
modular house|mobile house for sale

modular house|mobile house for sale: www.yukehouse.com

I began construction only a week after buying the plans





I began construction only a week after buying the plans

I BUILT MY OWN HOUSE FOR UNDER 30k AND YOU CAN TOO Last winter when the economy was in the sh*tter and i was unemployed and i thought things couldn't get any worse. Thats when the bank sent us the letter saying we had to be out of our home in no longer then 6 months. When i got this news the first thing I did was try to find another place for me and my wife to live. Since our prefab house credit was so bad no bank would give us a lone to buy another home and I began to think we would inevitably end up on the streets.

Much to my surprise i came across a website claiming to have plans for a house in which i could build myself, transport, and would only cost me $20,000-$30,000. This seemed almost too good to be true especially because that was the almost exact amount i got when i sold my two coveted mustangs to ensure my wife and I would have a place to live.

I bought the"small house book" and continued reading and I started to see how this could work for us. I began construction only a week after buying the plans. They were so easy to container house understand I had very few hinges and hangups while building the house. with a couple of my friends helping me it only took a couple months and i am proud to say that I found a construction job pretty much using my house as a resume before the bank took my original home so now i have my full sized house and my "back-up" house in case anything does happen to mine. If anyone is interested in building there own home for economic reasons, for an "in-laws" quarters, or just for fun I highly recommend this site. Tumbleweed Tiny Houses



modular house
